Mamen Artero
Architect specialising in bio-construction and permaculture
She holds a degree in architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC), a postgraduate degree in cultural management from the University of Barcelona (UB), and a postgraduate degree in Health and Safety in Construction from the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB-UPC). She co-directed the architecture firm Rabat & Artero, specialising in rehabilitation and urban planning (2005-2012) and is co-founder of El Globus Vermell, a collective of architects founded in 2009 with the aim of forming a critical and demanding citizenship towards the urban environment and empowering it to become key in the transformation of cities towards healthier and more sustainable urban environments.
Globus Vermell develops its work through three channels: cultural (guided tours, itineraries, workshops, publications, exhibitions...); social (citizen participation, events...); and projectual through design, new construction and rehabilitation under the parameters of bioarchitecture. The collective coordinates the Patis x clima programme on a national level, understanding the physical transformations and the renaturalisation of the city as an opportunity to provide society with tools to face the challenges presented by climate change.